Resenha de LEBNER, Ashley (ed.). 2017. Redescribing Relations: Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics. New York: Berghahn Books


  • Lucas da Costa Maciel USP


Marylin Strathern, Ashley Lebner


Resenha de Lebner, Ashley (ed.). 2017. Redescribing Relations: Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics. New
York: Berghahn Books.


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Como Citar

Maciel, L. da C. (2021). Resenha de LEBNER, Ashley (ed.). 2017. Redescribing Relations: Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics. New York: Berghahn Books. Revista De Antropologia Da UFSCar, 13(1), 296–303. Recuperado de